
Sunday, 25 May 2014

Budget Face Makeup

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Ahh how I've missed the world of blogging! It sucks not having internet at the house.. it's a real struggle. But I finally get to put up a post and promise to be better about it! Anyways, since I've been here in Alaska my skin has really changed. Before, it was difficult to find a foundation that looked natural and not dry on my face. I ran out of my BB cream so I turned to an alternative that I already had.. and it's worked great! I bought all of these products for around $8 (give or take $1), so it's not killing the wallet if it's not loved.

L'oreal True Match Foundation (Creamy Natural)
I don't find this to be a popular foundation, and before it didn't work well for my dry skin. It's been a little more on the oily side and this foundation goes on incredibly well. It really does match my skin tone and looks natural. It doesn't stick to dry patches and has great coverage. I have somewhat acne prone skin and trust me, I know what it's like to feel self conscious about your skin. This has totally made me feel confident when I look in the mirror because it looks like I have natural clear skin, without looking like I have makeup caked on my face.

Revlon ColorStay Concealer (03 Light Medium)
For a budget concealer, this has done wonders for me. It covers up the worst blemishes that appear out of nowhere. It also blends really well with my foundation, even though it's slightly lighter.

Maybelline Fit Me Powder (220 Natural Beige)
I don't use powder everyday, but this works well for me when I want to set my makeup for a long day. I have to say that it's not the best powder that I've ever used, but it's not bad. I powder it very lightly and it's not noticeable at all.

These are my budget, natural look face products that I actually like to use very often. I've been feeling very confident using these products and I love a natural face!

What's your favorite budget product?

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